On the 22nd of May in 1999 Tamayose Hidemi Sensei founded the organisation “Ryûkyû Kobudô Tesshinkan Kyô Kai”. On occasion of this event he had previously asked the team around Frank Pelny to host the official festivities of our organisation in Nordhausen (GER). The people from Nordhausen have put a lot of effort in staging such an event – and succeeded. For this reason nearly 50 enthusiasts from Belarus, Russia, the Czech Republic, Japan and Germany have met in Nordhausen from 24th to 27th of July in order to train Ryûkyû Kobudô and Shôrin-Ryû Karate together under the watchful eyes of Tamayose Sensei (9th Dan). Sensei was supported by his son, Tamayose Tetsushi Sensei, Frank Pelny, Hagen Walter and other Senpai.
On Saturday, 26th of July, the very first Tesshinkan World Cup was held and 22 competitors took part in it. There were three categories: Kata – single, students; Kata – single, master and Kumite team.
Results Tesshinkan World-Cup 2014
Die DAN-Prüfungen am Sonntagvormittag ergaben folgende Ergebnisse:
- 4. DAN Kobudô: Andrea Bernhardt (Wetzlar / GER)
- 3. DAN Kobudô: Pierre Lorenz (Leipzig / GER)
- 3. DAN Kobudô: Pavel Dolgachev (Kaliningrad / RUS)
- 3. DAN Kobudô: Sergej Mirutenko (Minsk / BLR)
- 3. DAN Kobudô: Igor Mirutenko (Minsk / BLR)
- 1. DAN Kobudô: Birthe Babies (Leipzig / GER)
- 1. DAN Kobudô: Kostiantyn Deriahin (Sevastopol / RUS)
- 1. DAN Karate: Dan Hüller (Jena / GER)
Right afterwards the Kyû tests were held and all participants were able to deliver and meet the requirements.
Every evening the participants met for a jovial get-together in the location of the Dôjô of the Karate-Do-Kwai Nordhausen: on Thursday the welcome party, on Friday the anniversary celebration for 15 years of Tesshinkan and on Saturday the Sayonara party.
The absolute highlight, without any doubt, was the celebration on behalf of our 15th anniversary: There were perfomances by Tamayose Sensei himself and by his son, as well as by his grandchildren. Furthermore the Senpai Frank Pelny, Sebastian Edelmann and Hagen Walter each delivered a performance with their partners. Last, but not least, a great, delicious buffet was provided.
We need thank Tamayose Sensei for teaching tirelessly and Frank Pelny and his team for being great hosts.