From July 26th to August 6th a delegation of the Ryûkyû Kobudô Tesshinkan Kyô Kai – Europe visited our master and head of style Tamayose Hidemi in Okinawa. All in all 13 participants from three European countries and 7 dôjô took place in the trip:
- from the Russian Federation Pavel Dolgachev and Kostiantyn Deriahin,
- from the Republic of Belarus Sergei and Igor Mirutenko,
- from Germany Frank Pelny, Sebastian Edelmann, Hagen Walter, Andrea Bernhardt and their students Florian, Doreen Schilling, Viktor Vollmer and Tony Kräker.
The schedule was quite tight. Aside from training and sightseeing the participation in the Kobudô World Tournament and DAN examinations were also major points. The training took place in the fortunately well air-conditioned Budôkan. As always Sensei emphasised the correct execution of the BÔ-no-Kihon.
On August 1st the “2015 Okinawa Traditional Kobudô World Tournament” took place, organised by the “Okinawa Ken Kobudô Renmei”. 140 competitors from 14 nations participated in several categories, namely BÔ- or SAI-KATA single (male or female) as well as the age groups Junior, Junior High, Adult and Senior.
Aside from European martial artists Tesshinkan-members from Canada and the USA competed, too. All in all they achieved overwhelming results and made the Tesshinkan receive major attention:
1st place / World Champion:
- Hagen Walter (GER) / SAI adult male
- Sergei Mirutenko (BLR) / BÔ senior male
- Kyoka Yamakawa Shapland (CA) / BÔ Junior High female
2nd place / Vice World Champion:
- Frank Pelny (GER) / BÔ senior male
- Pavel Dolgachev (RUS) / BÔ-SHIAI
4th place:
- Brian Ash (USA) / BÔ senior male
- Kevin Mellor (CA) / SAI senior male
5th place:
- Lisa McLain Ash (USA) / BÔ senior female
6th place:
- Sebastian Edelmann (GER) / SAI adult male
- Igor Mirutenko (BLR) / BÔ adult male
- Andrea Bernhardt (GER) / SAI adult female
7th place:
- Doreen Schilling (GER) / BÔ adult female
- Pavel Dolgachev (RUS) / SAI adult male
On the occasion of the Sayonara-party of the tournament, 9 foreigners were honoured for their deeds of spreading Ryûkyû Kobudô, and were awarded an honorific certificate. Of the Tesshinkan, the following were honoured:
- Donald Shapland (CAN)
- Frank Pelny (GER)
- Rainer Seibert (GER).
Finally on monday morning, after the training, the DAN-examinations took place. Despite the exhausting trainings of the prior days, all examinees demonstrated full committment. The following ranks were achieved:
- 5th DAN Kobudô Tesshinkan – Frank Pelny / certificate no. 3
- 3rd DAN Kobudô Tesshinkan – Viktor Vollmer / certificate no. 30
- 3rd DAN Kobudô Tesshinkan – Doreen Schilling / certificate no. 31
- 3rd DAN Shôrin-Ryû Tesshinkan – Hagen Walter / certificate no. 1
After so many highlights, the remaining two days were dedicated to relaxation. On Tokashiki island or while shopping in the Kokusai-Dori, the lot were able to enjoy themselves and the island of Okinawa fully.