Organized by the International League of Traditional Martial Arts under the direction of Sensei Sergei Mirutenko, the 4th international Ryûkyû Kobudô Tesshinkan seminar took place in Minsk in Belarus from 25th to 27th of April.
80 sportsmen and women hailing from Belarus and the Russian Federation followed their invitation.
Sensei Frank Pelny, the technical director of the Ryûkyû Kobudô Tesshinkan Kyôkai Europe, from Germany was invited to serve as instructor. Four hours of intensive training were scheduled for each day. The key aspect of the seminar was, of course, put on the KYÛ-programme. Additionaly many applications and partner drills and exercises were taught as well. Furthermore there were special lessons for the higher ranked black belts.
We are much obliged to the team around Sensei Mirutenko providing an excellently organized event.