Dear members of our Tesshinkan family,
It was with great sadness and consternation that I received the news today that our friend Fernando Antônio Bastos Neto from Brazil has succumbed to the Covid-19 virus.
Fernando Sensei was 5th Dan Karate Shôtôkan and 3rd Dan Karate Gôjû-Ryû. In 2019 he organized the first Tesshinkan seminar in Brazil and thus in Latin America, to which he had invited me as a lecturer.
I got to know Fernando Sensei as a real martial arts master who worked with a lot of love and commitment to spread our art. He brought the Tesshinkan Kobudô to Brazil.
His death is a great loss to the martial arts community.
I bow to him and I will always remember him.
Please remember him for a moment too.
Please all stay healthy and never give up hope.
All the best for you and your families.
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu
Frank Pelny
Our association president, Tamayose Hidemi (10. Dan) from Okinawa, send this words and presented a picture of Fernando Neto Sensei in his dôjô:
“I would like to express my deepest sympathy on the passing of Mr. Fernando Antônio Bastos Neto. He was a truly good Karate-ka and we are proud to have him under our Tesshinkan members. Please convey our sincerest condolences to his family.“