International seminar in Ryûkyû Kobudô Tesshinkan and Karate Fudokan (Yaroslavl, Russia)

From 9.-11. In March 2018 in Yaroslavl (Russia) an international seminar took place in Ryûkyû Kobudô Tesshinkan and Karate Fudokan under the direction of the chairman of the ITMAL – Shihan Sergey Mirutenko (8th Dan) and Sensei Igor Mirutenko (5th Dan) – multiple world and European champions in Fudokan Karate and Ryûkyû Kobudô. 65 athletes and instructors from Yaroslavl, Moscow and the Moscow region participated in the seminar. Extra thanks are due to Evgeny Sokolov, organizer, colleague, pupil and personal owner of the hall and the president of the Legion Club of Masterpankration and Karate Ivan Bogatikov for the warm welcome, the indescribable atmosphere and the firmness and the desire to be improved!